What exactly is a company blog – and why are they so important for eCommerce growth?


We strive to connect and communicate with our customers through a variety of channels, ranging from social media to dynamic content in marketing emails. However, one method that is becoming increasingly popular for reaching our target audience is through the publication of business blogs.

What exactly is a business blog? What advantages do they provide? And, with approximately 6,912,000 blog posts published every day, how do we distinguish ours from the rest?

What exactly is a business blog?

A blog can be defined in a number of ways, the most basic of which are:

…a regular feature that appears as part of an online publication and is usually related to a specific topic and consists of articles and personal commentary by one or more authors.

A business blog follows that definition, but it will always be related to a specific business topic, product, or service. A business blog will typically appear on a company’s website, though some business blogs may appear on the site of an independent commentator.

If the blog is on a company website, it will be related to a product or service offered by that company or something very closely related to what they offer. It is a marketing strategy that is intended to not only inform readers, but also to increase the visibility of your organization and, ultimately, to persuade readers to purchase your products or services.

A business blog post can be short or long in length, but it is usually between 1,000 and 2,500 words. It will primarily focus on one topic, such as ‘Marketing on Instagram,’ but may include hyperlinks to additional resources, products, websites, and even other blogs.

Why Do I Need a Business Blog?

Your website is a marketing tool as well as a marketing asset. You want as many people as possible to visit your website. Because search engines are the most common way for people to find a website, you want your website to rank as high as possible in relevant searches. The more useful the content on a site, the higher its ranking.

Other factors come into play as well, particularly the use of SEO keywords and phrases to help people find you. The great thing about a business blog is that every time you or a guest writer creates a blog, you are adding a high-quality page to your website. When people search for a term, such as ‘How to Start a CBD Business,’ they should be able to find an informative blog that also generates leads.

However, it is not just about having your blog on your own website or generating search traffic. If you write informative and engaging articles, other websites may choose to link to them, thereby expanding your reach with minimal effort. If a reader enjoys a particular blog post, they may share it on social media, extending the reach even further.

How to Create an Effective Business Blog

When writing content for a business blog, there are more factors to consider than when writing a simple magazine article. There are several things you should do to ensure that your blog is not only engaging but also serves as a marketing tool for you.

1. Phrases and words

Make a list of words and phrases that people commonly search for in relation to your subject matter before you begin writing. For example, if you were writing about the advantages of VoIP phone service, you might include keywords like VoIP, Internet phone, VoIP phone system, VoIP for businesses, and so on.

2. Sort and categorize.

You want any blog to be relevant to what you provide or offer. Furthermore, you want to identify relevant sub-categories within your blog section. If your company sells marketing and management software, any material should be directly or indirectly related to that. If you sell Trello alternatives, make sure any related blogs are placed in the appropriate category.

3. Illustrations.

A text-only blog will not keep your readers’ attention for long. A good blog requires a certain amount of visual stimulation, typically one graphic every 300 words or so. Some of these visuals may be decorative but try to include some that are informative, such as infographics, graphs, and even videos.

4. Keep it up to date.

If someone is looking for information on a specific topic, such as cold call scripts, they are unlikely to want to read something five years old. Because technology and the ways we work are constantly evolving, much of what you wrote in 2016 may be out of date now. Maintain the freshness and timeliness of your content, especially your most popular pieces.

5. Improve.

Never assume that all of your readers are using a laptop or desktop to access your blog. Over 55% of global internet traffic is now accessed via a mobile device. That is a sizable potential audience to lose if your blog and website are not mobile-friendly. Make sure that anyone, on any device, can access your blog. A/B testing is an efficient way to accomplish this.


Always remember that the primary purpose of your blog is to market and drive new traffic to buy from you. While you want to inform and, in some cases, entertain your audience, these goals are secondary to the goal of increasing your company’s visibility and sales. To collect information in one place, you can also combine related blogs into an online magazine using a magazine maker.

By recognizing both primary and secondary goals, you can consistently create something that works for both you and your customers. A good business blog can also improve your customers’ experiences and serve as part of your knowledge base to educate people about your products.

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