How Every Author Can Benefit from Hiring a VA

As an author, you probably have a lot on your plate as is… am I right? Juggling all those projects, deadlines, and clients must have your stress levels approaching an all-time high. What if I told you, you don’t have to shoulder all that weight on your own? What if...

Why Great Content Marketing is Essential

Content marketing has essentially taken the business world by storm, taking its place as one of today’s top marketing tools. Nearly every successful business would testify about the importance of providing engaging and relevant content to their audience. While many businesses understand the need for offering great content, the majority...

Email Marketing Tips for Small Businesses in 2020

If you are a small business owner, then you understand the importance of having a strong and effective marketing plan in place. One form of marketing that has proven time and again to generate leads and build a better customer/client relationship is email marketing. As we move into the new...

What Makes a Great Chatbot Builder

So, you’ve decided you need a chatbot. Congratulations! This is a great investment in your business that will provide consistent, streamlined customer engagement. Chatbots can automate a lot of your basic customer service, sales, and marketing tasks, while providing an easy, engaging experience for your audience. As chatbots have risen...

Three Trending Business Strategies for the Year 2020

2020 is just around the corner, and with it comes many changes for the business world. In the past year or two, we have really seen a shift in the marketing world, as companies take their marketing strategies to social channels. So, it comes at no surprise that we should...

Tasks You Should Consider Outsourcing

If you are not outsourcing as a business owner, you’re wasting time! When you’re running a business, bringing in income and delivering the product and service to customer are primary goals. During the course of each day, business owners have to consider what activities are actually helping to meet those...