5 Steps for Effective Conversational Chatbot

Chatbots are increasingly popular as businesses of all types seek to streamline their customer service and ensure that customers always have a means to ask questions. These bots are also great tools to help drive conversions and encourage engagement with your brand. However, bad chatbot design can derail all these...

12 Ways use Facebook Bot in Lead Generation

The traditional lead generation techniques of setting up a landing page and driving traffic to it is no longer the best way to drive more leads for your business. The application of tools such as "Bot" has stormed its way in the market. (more…)

Advantages of Hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA)

As your business grows, you’ll likely find that you need help with the workload. Sometimes, though, hiring a full-time or even a part-time employee seems to be unnecessary. Perhaps you only need someone to help during crunch time, or perhaps you only need someone to work five hours per week...

Want to Run a Small Business? Start Here

Are you thinking about starting your own business? Sounds great, right? You get to bring your ideas to life, set your own schedule, and be your own boss. Before you quit your day job, though, be sure that you understand what you’re getting into. Small business owners wear a lot...

Boosting Your Business with Video Editing Assistants

You might be familiar with how virtual assistants can help you be more productive, and your business more profitable, by helping you with data entry, copywriting, or other tasks. But did you know that virtual assistants can help you with your video editing of content as well? These days, video...

How to Increase your Business Profitability in 2020

When you launched your business, you may have gone into it with the solutions and procedures that seemed good at that time. However, as costs rise and profits consequently decline, it’s crucial to take a hard look at your business for ways you can save and increase your profitability. If...

How To Manage Your Emails Efficiently

Why do most of us hate checking our email so much? I don’t know about you, but for me, managing an email is like this little nagging number that is mocking me. When I say little, I don’t really mean it. That number grows by the hundreds every day. With...

Effective Productivity Hacks For Entrepreneurs

As a small business owner or entrepreneur, there are times when you cannot afford to take a day off. You may find yourself facing burnout, growing increasingly unable to find the motivation to start tasks—let alone complete them. Even if you do complete your responsibilities, your mental fatigue can cause...

Riding The Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster

You’re stressed. You’ve just got your startup up and running, and you may have found that you were not prepared with the rollercoaster of business. It is all too easy to have a mental breakdown when the markets change so frequently and suddenly. You are not alone. There are many...