It seems that, nowadays, just about everyone’s talking about chatbots; your neighbor, your family, and even your hairdresser all seem to be chatting about the latest business technology. There’s a good reason for the buzz of excitement too. Chatbots have slowly been taking the world by storm, and more and...
Key Benefits of Outsourcing for Small Businesses
As an entrepreneur or small business owner, you know the grind first hand. It takes dedication, an agile team, and the full utilization of all possible resources to maintain and sustainably grow your profit margins. However, performing all the functions of your business successfully can be daunting, especially for businesses...
3 Tips For Hiring The Right Virtual Assistant for you.
Let's be honest. Most of us are so busy in our day-to-day work life that we fail to step back and see what we are actually getting done. For many of us, it can seem that even though we are occupied nonstop, we don’t see any results from our busyness....
Things To Consider Before Hiring Virtual Assistants.
To do your best at your job, you need to be able to focus on it, and the best way to ensure that you are at your most productive is by not getting stretched too thin. As an entrepreneur, it can be tempting to want to do it all. However,...
5 Ways A Virtual Assistant Can Help Your Business
A virtual assistant can help out with administrative or clerical work; specific parts of the company like SEO, social media, or web site management; or as a right-hand Executive Assistant. If you haven’t considered this addition to your team before, here are just a few of the ways a virtual...
Useful Tips – A Small Business Should Take Note
Starting your own business is a lot of work, and it's often lonely work. Even so, you're not alone. All the big leaders in business started out as entrepreneurs. They have been where you are, and thankfully, some of them are willing to share the tips and tricks that helped...
Basics of Automation – What you need to know to get started
People tend to shy away from this subject because they think it is to technical of a subject for them. I think its very important to clarify that automation doesn't just mean some computer or software or "robot" handling the necessary work. Automation can be applied to anything in you...
Avoiding Micromanagement
Helping Team Members Excel – On Their Own You've assigned an important task to a talented employee, and given him a deadline. Now, do you let him do his work and simply touch base with him at pre-defined points along the way – or do you keep dropping by his...
Automation Through Assistance – Online Virtual Assistant Services, Ai, and More!
For someone who is looking into automating their life, I am sure you have at some point in time wondered what it would be like to have an assistant. Often we think of laying on a beach somewhere, sipping on a cocktail, while we boss someone around to do all...
Things To Do To Free Up Your Task
Make your tasks more manageable, less time-consuming, delegate them to someone else, or think hard on whether they need to be done in the first place. Here's how.